About Denison Sister Cities, Inc.

Denison Sister Cities, Inc.

Denison Sister Cities, Inc.

Denison, Texas and Cognac, France have a long history of friendship and cooperation. During the phylloxera epidemic in the mid-1800's, which destroyed a vast majority of wine grapes in Europe, Denison horticulturist T.V. Munson worked with Cognac native Pierre Viala to pioneer methods of creating phylloxera-resistant vines.  This work earned Munson an induction into the French Legion of Honor and paved the way for the sister city relationship that we cherish today.

Since 1992, Denison Sister Cities has been a part of the national not-for-profit volunteer movement initiated over 50 years ago by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.  His people-to-people concept was created to further international understanding and goodwill between people of the U.S. and the rest of the world.  The purpose of Sister Cities International program is to enable citizens from throughout the the world to learn more about each other through educational, social cultural, and business exchanges.  The goal is to promote understanding and appreciation at all levels of a community on a continuing, long-term basis. 

Our Denison Sister Cities, Inc. Youth Ambassador Exchange Program offers opportunities for Denison High School students to appreciate and understand the culture of our sister city through an abroad/home stay experience.  Denison Sister Cities, Inc. sponsors this program for Denison youth as an investment in the future.  The families of the students are invested in the program by contributing $1,300 towards the travel expenses of their student and agreeing to host a French student in their home during the stay in Denison. 


Denison Sister Cities shall be and is a non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Texas. Denison Sister Cities is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and/or scientific purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding sections of any future federal tax code. Although Denison Sister Cities seeks to cooperate with the many organizations and committees working toward the benefit of the City of Denison, Texas, the express purpose of this Corporation shall be to focus resources and energy on the following charitable, educational and scientific purposes:

1.  To cause the people of the City of Denison, Texas and the people of similar cities of foreign nations to acquire a consciousness of each other, to understand one another as individuals, as members of their community, as citizens of their country and as part of the family of nations;

2.  To undertake both in seeking and in consequence of such consciousness and concern any activities and programs as will provide to one another appropriate aid and comfort, education and mutual understanding;

3.  To foster as a consequence of such knowledge and consciousness, a continuing relationship of mutual concern between the people of the City of Denison, Texas and the people of similar cities of other nations;

4.  To participate as an organization in promoting, fostering and publicizing state and national programs of international municipal cooperation organizations, and thereby to encourage other organizations and residents of U.S. communities to engage and participate in such programs, to foster and promote friendly relations and mutual understanding between peoples of U.S. communities and peoples of friendly nations outside of the United States of America and to act as a coordinating body, committee, agency or counsel among those organizations, groups and individuals desiring to and engaging in the activities of such international municipal cooperation organizations;

5.  To provide educational opportunities for the citizens of Denison and the citizens of the affiliated cities;
Development of international trade and tourism, and the exchange of business practices; and

6.  To exercise all powers provided in the Texas Business Organizations Code in furtherance of the above-stated purposes.

Current Board of Directors:

Carrie Boettger
Paisley Conrad
Tracey Bullard
Rita Cole
Emily Crow
Rachel Pearce
Lee Thornton