Rape Agression Defense System

R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense System) is a program of realistic self-defense tactics and techniques. This comprehensive course for women begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction, and avoidance, progressing to the basics of hands-on self-defense training. Unlike martial arts programs, R.A.D. focuses on practical defense strategies.

Our courses are taught by certified R.A.D. instructors and include a workbook/reference manual. This manual outlines the entire self-defense program, serving as a valuable resource for continuous personal growth and development.

The RAD System is dedicated to teaching women self-defense concepts and techniques against various types of assault. By utilizing easy, effective, and proven tactics, we provide women with the tools to take an active role in their own self-defense and psychological well-being.

The Denison Police Department is committed to empowering women and children with the necessary tools for self-defense. Our instructors have undergone extensive training to ensure the highest quality and most fulfilling experience for all participants.

How to Participate: 

To schedule a RAD session or inquire further about the program, please fill out an application by clicking the link below: 

RAD Application Form

If you have any additional questions, please call Lieutenant Jenkins at (903) 465-7802.