Senior Lockbox Program

Lock Box

The Denison Police Department’s Senior Lockbox Program is designed to expedite access into homes during a 911 emergency or other welfare concerns. The key lockbox securely provides a door key so emergency first responders can enter, reducing the need to use forced entry into a home when the resident is not able to answer the door due to a medical or other emergency.

You can download the form here, or fill out an online application below by clicking 'Start Application'. 



The Senior Lockbox Program is open to Denison residents who live alone or are left alone on a regular basis. The individual must be a Senior Adult age 65 or older. A resident younger than 65 with a major medical issue that could render them incapacitated or unconscious may also be considered.

How to Apply

Eligible participants may complete a Senior Lockbox Program application by either downloading the form and mailing in to the police department or by filling the form out online via the link below. Upon approval, the lockboxes are provided by the Denison Police Department and installed free of charge by a Denison Police Department representative. The resident will provide a spare house key. 

NOTE: Lockboxes cannot be installed on apartments or rental property without prior written approval from the landlord or property manager.

Applications are also available in the foyer at the Denison Police Department at 108 West Main Street, Denison, Texas.

How it Works

After the application is received and accepted, the applicant will be contacted by a Denison Police Department representative to discuss the program and schedule a visit to the home. At the time of installation, the spare key will be placed in the lockbox and the unique opening code will be set. The representative will give the code to 911 Communications so the key may be accessible to First Responders. The key lockbox will only be used during an emergency call or welfare concern when First Responders cannot make entry without using force.

A participant may withdraw from the Senior Lockbox Program at any time by contacting the Denison Police Department.  The key will be returned to the homeowner and the empty lockbox will be removed by a Denison Police Department representative.


Have questions?

Please contact Officer Molina at 903-465-2422 ext. 2324.